Social and Corporate Policy

The company’s corporate culture is an organisational framework wherein we describe the psychology, attitude, proficiency, beliefs and values that we hold, reflects the philosophy and goals that we set and the methodology with which we achieve them to create sustainable development for the company and its employees and security for the consumers of our products.

“The specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization.”

/Charles Hill and Gareth Jones (2001), Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach/

The principles on which we will build our corporate culture are:

1. Equality

The company does not tolerate discriminatory treatment between employees. Employees of SAMI-M EOOD are of different ages, sexes and religions, if, of course, the conditions for the particular position do not require qualities specific to the male sex, such as strength or high stature. Part of our corporate values is that any person with qualities irrespective of sex/religion/age is welcome to work for the company. Creating a workspace with positive energy in which anyone can creatively do their work is a leading goal of the company.

SAMI-M EOOD guarantees and provides equal conditions for development of all its employees, of course according to the capabilities of each one of them. We evaluate our employees without any discrimination and irrespective of national, religious, racial or other affiliation or other differences.

We evaluate only according to effort made, efficiency, punctuality and diligence in work.

Regarding all relations internal and external to the company, any discrimination based on age, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, political beliefs, religion, sex, sexual orientation or health condition is avoided.

2. Tolerance

Respect for all human rights and individual freedoms is guaranteed, as any form of irresponsibility, hypocrisy, envy, gossip, lie, meanness or negligence is not tolerated in any way. Management categorically does not tolerate any abuse of power or other action directed against a person’s dignity or mental and physical health.

3. Mutual assistance and cooperation

Employees display readiness to provide their colleagues with assistance and cooperation within their competence while performing their duties. Making offensive statements and discriminative treatment between colleagues is not accepted.

Each employee is obliged to help train their colleagues, to share their experience with them and to facilitate their specialisation and development.

4. High professionalism, responsibility and competence

The company operates in accordance with current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, professional ethics and its internal rules and provisions. From which it follows that the pursuit of the company’s goals cannot be contrary to principles of integrity and honesty. Each employee is responsible for the performance of their duties. If mistakes, omissions or flaws are noticed, they are obliged to correct them if it is within their jurisdiction or to immediately notify their immediate supervisor so that appropriate measures may be taken;

Compliance with labour legislation, health and safety norms, laws regulating the company’s activity, as well as established internal rules is explicit;

Any form of benefits or gifts to employees as an attempt at influencing their judgement or strict performance of their duties or aiming to incite actions contradictory to the company’s interests is rejected;

At the base of high-quality, reliable performance of duties in any area stands the presence of necessary labour qualification and improvement. With this in mind, the company engages to ensure development of human capital by holding and taking part in professional seminars and workshops;

Aiming to guarantee a high degree of professionalism, the company must raise the qualification of its employees, providing them with the opportunity to participate in training courses and professional seminars, as well as organising such events itself;

In the event of reorganisation the value of each employee is protected as measures for training and professional retraining are taken if needed;

5. Discipline

Discipline is fundamental in our views as the basis for the company’s success and development, as well as those of all employees and workers.

Self-discipline is part of our philosophy.

6. High hygiene in our relations:

● With clients

Principles of honesty, professionalism and the highest degree of cooperation are at the base of all contractual relations and connections with the company’s clients. Researching and providing the client’s satisfaction, as well as constant improvement of sales, are among staff’s basic responsibilities;

● With contracting partners and suppliers

Cooperation with contracting partners is part of the company’s daily activities. Due to this reason, principles of impartiality and mutual respect in contact with them are of particular importance.

Choice of associates and suppliers must be based on clear and non-discriminatory procedures. The company refers only to criteria based on competitiveness and quality of products and services offered by potential partners, while healthy and safe products are the leading criterion.

● With public institutions, trade unions, media and other external communications

All connections between the company and public institutions are based on principles of honesty, transparency, cooperation and non-interference, as well as on full respect towards the role fulfilled by each separate subject.

We do not manipulate facts or events and do not tolerate propaganda or manipulation of facts or events.

We stand for transparency and awareness of all persons concerned by a situation. Objectivity is a leading principle.

● Communication internal to the company

A. Personal responsibilities and obligations

Each employee’s personal attitude is a key factor in the successful development of the company and in the achievement of goals set;

Workers/employees must avoid any act which would damage the prestige and the reputation of the company;

In their relationships, workers must obey the interests of the company, applying established rules for positive attitude and regard for others’ honour and dignity;

Employees are equal in communication with each other. Their relationships are based on trust, tolerance, ethics and mutual aid. Personal disagreements are not a matter of public dispute. Arguments, criticisms and disagreements are solved through civilised means in open communication;

Personal insinuations and unfriendly behaviour are seen as unworthy. Submitting unfounded complaints or making defamatory statements about workers of the company, as well as about the company itself, is unethical and unacceptable.

Behaviour damaging the personal dignity or honour of any worker is not accepted;

Hierarchy must be followed in performance of duties, as pursuing objectivity and impartiality, taking responsibility for actions and actively participating in resolving problems of the company must be present;

The presence of a preferred type of clothing is in the interest of earnest performance of duties and compliance with good etiquette. Official-businesslike and sporty-elegant styles are taken as such, except when there is specific work clothing for the particular position or workspace. If there is such, it is our pleasure to wear it. For all employees whose official activity requires the presence of work uniform, such is provided by the company;

Communication and exchange of information within the company are based on the course of each process, the responsibilities and powers corresponding to functional and hierarchical levels, as well as through working procedures regulated via internal decisions and certificates. Internal communication is of predominantly oral form and written in e-mail;

B. Commitment of management

Management commits to apply in the highest degree current shared company values regarding conditions of transparency, dialogue and free exchange of opinions, ideas and proposals in accordance with requirements for good workers, specialists and managers;

Management is responsible for compliance with legal and other requirements referring to the company’s activity by providing information about arising changes and amendments to current national and international regulations, standards, directives etc. and informs officials about these changes;

The company takes all actions necessary to provide the highest standards of quality, health and safety, environmental protection, development of human capital and transparent cooperation with all parties concerned inside and outside the company;

Professional qualities of candidates for a position must be evaluated solely on the basis of pursuing the company’s interests. Any form of discrimination during the choice, management or career development of employees is rejected. During their entire time working for the company, employees must be given clear instructions which aid their work and allow them to do it with quality.

SAMI-M expects and requires of all its employees from all levels of responsibility to treat each other with mutual respect, politeness, integrity and attitude respecting everyone’s dignity irrespective of sex, religion, origin or other differences.

Each manager respects the dignity and rights of their subordinate employees and is responsible for the orders they give, for their implementation and for their consequences. The employee respects the dignity and rights of their managers and maintains needed subordination both in workspaces and in public spaces. The manager is an example of professional, impartial and effective performance of duties, shows responsibility towards their subordinates by assisting their professional development and fosters correct performance of their duties by giving them advice and guidance and taking appropriate correcting measures.

C. Communication

A courteous and careful approach towards the client is a good start of business relations.

First impressions are always decisive. Our external appearance matters not only for first impressions but also for subsequent communication. If we give a tidy and elegant impression, surely people we communicate with will want to find out what else we can offer them. This is why we must always look impeccable. Clothes must be clean, always ironed, shoes must be comfortable and clean. Hair must always be clean and well cut. Men must be clean shaven each day, those with beards must keep them well maintained.

How we receive our clients speaks unequivocally about our manners. It is good to organise our meetings so that there are no delays or interruptions of conversations, the client must not be interrupted. The mobile phone belongs in the pocket, muted in advance so as to not disturb conversations. Upon ending a meeting we extend a hand and thank for the time given.

- Communication by phone

A phone call is answered by the third ring at the latest and each conversation is started with a smile. This affects how the voice sounds over the phone.

We must not leave phones around us ringing for a long time as tension is created. When a phone rings and we are not in a position to hold a conversation, it is enough to answer, ask the other person to excuse us as we are busy and tell them we will call them later.

When we are making a call, we have to speak clearly and at a moderate pace. We always start the conversation with a greeting, after which we announce our name and the company we represent. We explain shortly the reason for our call. We must not forget to take interest in the name of the person we are talking to and to refer to them by name in a subsequent call. When ending a call, we thank for the conversation had.

- Communication by e-mail

When writing e-mails, Cyrillic is to be used always – writing in “Internet language” is disrespectful towards the correspondent. One does not write in capital letters only – this is equivalent to shouting. One also does not write in lowercase letters only – this way the receiver gets the impression that the writer does not care about the text itself and does not consider it important.

An e-mail is answered within 24 hours, even if we are not ready with the response, we must send an e-mail and notify that we are working on the matter. We check our e-mail at least three times a day.

The e-mail always begins by addressing the person and ends with regards.

In written correspondence we always respond adequately and authentically within three days or within the deadline set.

7. Awareness

We do not tolerate manipulations or propaganda, we are committed to authenticity.

We inform all parties concerned without expressing misleading opinions.

Each subject is informed of their rights, obligations and responsibilities.

8. Objectivism and equity

Following principles of objectivism and equity in decision-making.

9. Individual motivation and development opportunity

Company managers are the main carriers of the company’s cultural values. They are the people responsible for the performance of their subordinates’ duties, as well as for the correct selection of people in their team. They distribute duties fairly and are responsible for the motivation of their immediate subordinates according to their merits and the company’s interests.

The company motivates its employees both in material and moral direction. Employees’ material motivation is determined according to the company’s internal communication policy and the company’s strategy, at the discretion of management. Moral motivation is the effect of good communication with our colleagues, respect between us, the good image of the company we work in and our positive attitude towards it. Thus, positivism is our leading principle.

10. Patronage of social-public events and talents

Supporting the community in which the company operates is the company’s moral duty and an expression of social empathy. In this regard, a yearly donation campaign is organised to aid Homes for Children Deprived of Parental Care, according to the company’s capabilities.

11. Self-discipline and self-training

Self-discipline and self-training are part of success. Self-discipline is a virtue that commands respect.

We have an established programme by which employees and workers are stimulated. We support workers with strong self-discipline and self-training.

12. Fostering a creative atmosphere for teamwork

We do not view the work process as an obligation, it is a responsibility. Създаваме творчески дух и колектив за разгадаване на нуждите на пазара. We foster creative spirit and a team for unraveling the market’s needs.

We do not work, we create for our consumers.

13. Strict compliance with legislation

The company operates in accordance with current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, professional ethics and its internal rules and provisions. From which it follows that the pursuit of the company’s goals cannot be contrary to principles of integrity and honesty. Each employee is responsible for the performance of their duties. If mistakes, omissions or flaws are noticed, they are obliged to correct them if it is within their jurisdiction or to immediately notify their immediate supervisor so that appropriate measures may be taken;

Compliance with labour legislation, health and safety norms, laws regulating the company’s activity, as well as established internal rules is explicit;

SAMI-M EOOD expects of its employees to firmly and staunchly uphold our company’s interests and to be empathetic towards its work but only within law and morals. Our company represents lawful and fair competition. Each of our employees is obliged to comply with these principles. A basic principle of SAMI-M EOOD is avoidance of any way of entry or participation in “mutual agreements” or any kind of illegal actions to gain benefits.

14. Innovations and environmental protection

SAMI-M EOOD’s management understands that each organisation’s activities affect the environment directly and indirectly and thus engages itself with improving influence on the environment through applying better business practices for reducing generation of excess waste and collecting and recycling raw materials such as papers, plastics, batteries, obsolete electronic and electric equipment. Wastewater treatment is also performed to prevent pollution.

The company strives to implement technologies realised through lower energy consumption and reciprocally leading to less harmful emissions owing to the company’s activity.

15. Transparency

The company and all its employees profess the principle of transparency and it is part of our everyday.

16. Social life in the company

The company has a developed social policy in which we actively partake. We have an established sports calendar which each of us gladly joins.

We respect and appropriately celebrate personal holidays.

Our goal is to create the SAMI-M family.

17. Priority of “Quality” over “Price”

Quality control of products/services offered by SAMI-M is the company’s focus as it namely leads to the satisfaction of the final consumer and the other intermediaries in the chain leading to them. The Production and Technology Division are the people responsible for the direct quality of produce in the company; the Trade Division are the employees responsible for monitoring the good storage of the goods in stores/distributors so that it reaches the final consumer in the corresponding quality and good commercial appearance.

18. Orientation towards the customer

The company’s activity depends mostly on the clients and our aim is thus to elucidate their needs with maximal accuracy, to fulfill their requirements and to surpass their expectations. We are conscious of our responsibility and guarantee that the company’s processes and activities are constantly controlled with the goal of delivering a quality product. High security measures are implemented regarding food safety. New products are constantly being developed following change in consumer culture and spanning different age categories.

Continuous connection with the client has been established through the opening of the national phone line for customers and clients - 0700 11000.

19. Automation of processes, implementation of new achievements in the IT sector

System automation leads to error reduction, better productivity, better traceability. The implemented information system for company management, BORA Business System, has led to a decrease in expenditure and to improvement in customer service. It has given the company opportunity to extract data more efficiently and to use them more effectively to adequately respond to clients’ and regulatory authorities’ requirements and to be competitive. We have got the opportunity for greater mobility of teams with remote workspaces and for faster response.

The company also works with EDI – an international system for electronic document exchange. This system allows document flow between suppliers and clients, mainly national and multinational companies, to occur over the Internet, orders can be automatically loaded in the software system, shortening time for document exchange, timely planning of the work process is possible.

20. Sustainability

The company’s aim to secure its sustainable development is achieved through satisfaction of the clients’ requirements and expectations, constant improvement of quality and protection of the environment and of conditions of health and safety during work and realisation of the company’s activity.

We use fixed and current assets appropriately and lawfully, according to their designation and maintain them with the care of a good householder.

The company team’s effective work leads to the company making a profit and achieving stability and financial sustainability.

Provision of capital aids the company’s normal functioning and timely payment to suppliers which creates the company’s good corporate image as an honest one.

The company draws and updates a plan for current and fixed assets through which harmful emissions are to be reduced and assets with a higher energy efficiency and processing class are to be implemented.

21. Our goal is for each of us to be a role model. For our work to inspire admiration among others. For us not to take our work as an obligation, rather an opportunity to develop our personality.

22. Philosophy

We do not work, we create following our consumers’ needs.

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